Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

@light4 No one likes to talk about this, but it is so much easier to both bear and raise children the younger you are. You’re sacrificing more than money by waiting.

The mortgage was meant to be paid over a long span of time. Especially if you want more than one kid, consider getting started as early as possible. The money you’ll save won’t begin to balance out the effect of getting older. There’s no good way to explain this other than you getting into it and looking back after 10 years and realizing what I’m talking about.
@gowdy retirement contributions are excluded on the chart, savings(emergency fund) is not on the chart but I have 6 months. And answered the last question on your other comment (yes when she gets approved).

I should had included it on the chart to avoid confusion, apologies.
@light4 Being a housewife isn’t ridiculous. . Domestic labor and full time childcare is still hard work. Devaluing women’s labor because it is unpaid is so sexist. Cleaning a house, cooking 3 meals a day, managing calendars, appointments, home and car maintenance. It’s. Still. Work. You aren’t “financing her dream” as another commenter wrote. She is serving you and having your children and if you can’t see that maybe examine your biases. You don’t contribute more just because you bring in money. If you feel like you do then I don’t think that’s a good dynamic to bring into a marriage.
@holyhelper We did try this for 3 months here in the states, It was a huge adjustment for her, that time we didn't have kids and that's what we are in for once she gets here. I just don't want her to feel pressured on "I need to get pregnant asap since I decided to be a stay at home wife". I want her to be able to find what she loves doing and let the kid come in naturally. I could be wrong since I'm only 26 and there is so much I don't know.
@holyhelper They don't even have a kid yet. Many people work and take care of the house and take care of kixds. Men and women. It's not sexist to expect equal effort from both the husband and wife.
@craigp I did the SAHM thing for about a year and a half with my firstborn, but I've mostly been a working mom my entire adult life and you're right.

Would it be nice to have somebody at home to do all the chores so you don't have to? Sure. Is daycare expensive? Absolutely. But the hard part is the sacrifices you make for the lifestyle, not because maintaining a house is an actual full time job. Well, maybe if you live on a farm and have 3+ kids lol. Or live in a castle.
@holyhelper Thank you. I was kind of in my feelings here reading people's responses just shitting on OP's wife's desires. I'm a stay at home wife, have been for years, and am currently pregnant. Quite frankly I never run out of things to do in the home. Cooking, cleaning, baking, decorating, laundry, mending clothes, planning our landscaping and gardening and implementing it, planning and coordinating all of our appointments and my husband's overtime schedule, making budgets, now planning for what we need for the nursery, design aspects if home renovations, etc... Stay at home wives are not just useless parasites. My husband's work is physically and psychologically demanding so he appreciates not having chores at home (aside from some renovation projects that he enjoys or working on the vehicles). He's also a veteran with PTSD so his stress management is important and my contribution to his life is invaluable. Since I've stayed home he has been able to find a career that fulfills him, he chooses to take on 2 overtime shifts a week at time and a half, and he will be able to go back to school part time next fall and keep working (minus the overtime, of course).

The real issue here seems to be that OP does not respect the role and doesn't desire to have a stay at home wife. This is a key component to having this type of marital dynamic and it going well. If my husband felt I was a liability or didn't value my contribution to our lives, I would feel deeply hurt. I think OP needs to be more honest with his wife about how he views homemakers and how he would feel being married to one. I also suggest OP show his wife this post and his responses. It will probably strike a very raw conversation.
@chickaboom People will find any reason to shit on women. Especially moms. ESPECIALLY moms who defy conventional norms. Don’t let it get to you. I see how much you contribute friend 🩷
@misterboy I don't have it straighten out at this point but I just view money as a tool to do things such as once we are mortgage free we can do much more but at the same time see what I'm gonna be missing out, I wanted to see what others have done when they were at my shoes and connect my priorities depending where they are currently in their life based on the relative decision they made back then which I'm planning to correlate to.

Basically from a graphical POV it's either we want to go linear, exponential, or logarithmic.
@misterboy Agree, but information from strangers on internet based on the decision they made in the past have helped me factor in if the current priorities I have at the current moment aligns with what my priorities are for the future. Thankful for them sharing it, hence the reason of this post.

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