Market interest question


New member
As-salamu alaykum group.

We specialize in providing growth capital to small and medium enterprises around the world.

Historically, most of our offerings have been profit-participating; however, they haven’t necessarily been true sukuk, because they’ve often had a minimum.

We’re now considering issuing a genuine sukuk. It’s been reviewed by the Vice President of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, and he’s prepared to issue a fatwa saying that it is a sukuk.

I’m writing here to see if this sort of offering would be of interest to the community (not just the fact that it is sukuk, but the specifics around the offering, including the potential risk:reward profile).

You can find the details here:

We’re doing this because we’re given to believe that there is a lack of this sort of “true” sukuk in the market, and wanted to reach out to the community to see if that was true, and if there is interest not just in this specifically, but in this kind of offering in general.

If there is, then we’d likely look to do somewhere around $1/2 billion of these in the next year. If not, well, we can go back to offering things with a guaranteed return 🙂

Thanks for your time, and once again, salam.

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