Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks


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Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks. Check it out.

Our own gomen launching retail patform to buy US shares.

Look for MIDF Invest in appstore n playstore

Edit: Had to say this after reading few of the comments. Guys, the point I want to put forward is the fact tht the gomen does in fact realised tht the people i.e me and you want better access to US/foreign markets. Yes it is true tht there are better rates out there but nvrtheless, it is a step forward for our backwater last place gomen to take an initiative. Frankly, the best would be for us to like perhaps point out how the app/process can be further improved. Instead of just writing comments on reddit. Reach out to them, write comments on the app/playstore bout what can be improved. Better yet, email them. No point telling this. I myself have three US broker (TDA. FreeTrade and Etrade), so i know the rates can be improved. All i want to say put your thoughts out there, let the MIDF know what u want. Thats all. Tq
@izzdan It is supposed to be a secret as mentioned in Bloomberg. Spread the news around. Let them (MIDF) knows that we are watching and we want it
@setst777 Tldr Charon the chairman said the app is still in beta testing. Would be best to wait and observe the execution, layout and user experience, and fees charged.

Alternatively a friend of mine mentioned Rakuten MY is also opening to sell US stocks this year, (reportedly at Malaysian commission rates) so this initiative will not be the only option available! The Edge published it recently.

All these news are good avenues for retail investors to take charge of personal finance, gone are the days that we would be overreliant on traditional ways due to information mismatch gap :)

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