Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

@graybuffalo Looking at the Meaco Arete Premium and am wondering if I need the 12l or 20l version? It’s for a typical 3bed terraced house and I was hoping to place the device on the first floor landing (will that be a good position?)
@graybuffalo Due to years of black mould on landing and sons small bedroom which has two outside walls and condensation was running down the walls I purchased this, had it on for 3 hours without a single drop of water collected. What am I doing wrong ? Should windows be open or shut. Which setting should I use ? I'm clueless when it comes to this machine
@tan36 I don't have much idea on this subject either but my uneducated recommendation would be to run it while your son isn't asleep with the heating in to try and dry the room out. Leave it on from the morning and unless it stops itself till bed time.
@graybuffalo People here saying they are leaving the dehumidifier on over night, is this not dangerous incase it starts a fire downstairs and you and the family are asleep upstairs?
@graybuffalo How long would you recommend to have the dehumidifier on, I currently bought a p630d smart. But have it running for 24/7 on 60% humidity, is this overkill or should I keep it on non stop. And if not, what would you recommend when and how long I need to have it on.

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