Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

@epowell yeah, we did a complete house renovation ourselves including all cavity wall cleaning and tilt-and-turn windows throughout and thus the house stays very dry.

night and day difference when stuff is done correctly and the house is used correctly.

we also live at sea level and about 400m from the seafront. some houses not having this work done are very misty/damp.

also, sash windows and the standard foldout british windows don't lend themselves to good air circulation.
@resjudicata I want tilt and turn! My current windows are about 25years old so they're due for an upgrade.

When you says cavity wall clean, what do you mean? I wonder if that might help (Victorian dream home turning into pain in the arse).
@epowell I/we literally took all the plaster off inside the entire house and several walls collapsed and most were filled with mud. I bought a camera and cleaned/checked all external walls and cleaned them so there was no bridging as the DPC didn't work so well (early 1900s).

T-n-T is the way forward.
@resjudicata I was thinking it's a big job, that might be a bit beyond my skill level.

My friend suggested removing a single brick and looking inside to check for bridging.
@epowell it's the only way to learn.

also, I found that most builders don't give a shit enough to do it correctly.

this is similar to cleaning out under all suspended floorboards (by pulling them all up and really cleaning all building materials out and ensuring that all air bricks are good and all holes are patched. also, all of the dust between floors.

I found the people won't complete these to my standards even when paid well and thus I did it all on my own.
@graybuffalo I wouldn't worry too much about the power usage:
  • not sure, but I'd guess they mostly have comparable efficiencies (as long as you're getting a decent brand)
  • but a higher power one will do a lot more good work, which in turn offsets costs: the more moisture you pull out of the air, the easier your central heating will be able to heat your house (because water has a high heat capacity, so not having it in the air means not having to heat water. Also, less condensation releasing thermal energy on windows)
  • also, you'll want to mostly use it in the winter. Power ultimately is released as heat, which is a nice thing to have in the winter. Sure, it's cheaper to use gas than electricity to heat your home, but as a "side effect" it gives less reason to worry too much about the wattage.
@graybuffalo I went for a smaller, cheaper, weaker one about 4 weeks ago now. It does A job... but I kinda wish I'd gone for one more like yours (it was on the list) - I am still having to mould & mildew spray my windows and keep my clothes on the clothes horse for 3-4 days as it's about a 2L capacity with 600ml/day removal. I tried to be tactical with my purchase but should've just gone bigger and used it less.

The term "worth it" depends on if you're simply trying to save pennies (purely mathematical) or if the quality-of-life improvement is worth a few quid a month to you (subjective, but I say it is).
@mayadanielle Nice contribution mate.

I've decided to keep it, there are better units out there but the cost doesn't merit the energy saving in my opinion.. I'll only be using it 3-4 times a week during winter.
@graybuffalo I have the same one. I leave it on 50% and empty it when it’s full. I dry all my clothes in the same room and have no damp. Without it the walls by my window would be covered in water and mould.
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