Looking to partner with data/quant analyst to research for alpha.

Hi, I've been actively researching trade ideas with proper quantifiable research and analysis. Over the course of past 4-5 months, I have accumilated quite a lot of quality datasets and create pipelines for fundamentals, company info, financials, news, OHLC 1-second candles for stocks, futures, options, etc, etc

Although, I'm hesistant to bring people on the project and share my existing data and research. It's now come to point where I need to trade in ownership of project in leu of assistance in expanding the project. The final metric of a good strategy will be based on its' return over index and sharpe.

I'm looking for someone to share, expand/maitain the data pipeline or start doing some explatory data analysis with pandas, pyspark, etc.

Minimum Requirements: STEM Degree. Data Dev background: like data scraping, celery, python, distrbuted computing, etc OR Research background (not earth shattering): Basic stats, models, etc. Full disclosure: I'm a STEM background from a top univ in India and aboard I'm very discplined with high integrity. No definitive alpha found so far (most of time allocated to back-office work unforunately) but very motivated to find one.

If you're interested, please reach out. I'm looking for like minded people to work with.

To give you an idea, of what research I've already conducted in part and ongoing is listed here:

├── 1second_bollinger_bands.ipynb
├── backtest_5ema.ipynb
├── backtest_earnings.ipynb
├── board_meeting.ipynb
├── board_meeting_long_straddle.ipynb
├── budget_day.ipynb
├── bulk_deal_second_candles.ipynb
├── bulk_deals.ipynb
├── dividend.ipynb
├── earnings_second.ipynb
├── election_day.ipynb
├── event_volatility.ipynb
├── historical_similar_opening.ipynb
├── max_earnings_last_month.ipynb
├── momentum_spread.ipynb
├── monthly_results.ipynb
├── morning_momentum.ipynb
├── mwpl.ipynb
├── nifty_banknifty_arbitrage.ipynb
├── nifty_historical_atm_iv.ipynb
├── nify_announcements_density.ipynb
├── pdf_meta_corelation.ipynb
├── pharma_returns.ipynb
├── pivot_distance.ipynb
├── pre_budget_moves.ipynb
├── quarterly_sector_analysis.ipynb
├── security_ban_period.ipynb
├── volume_spikes.ipynb
@reformedchristian453 I would be interested. I have about 7 yrs experience in the software industry with experience in data science and ml . I have my own set of stocks data (fundamentals that I got by scraping websites) so have experience in those as well. Maybe we can sync up and see where it can lead?
@married2aliar Hi! Thanks for reaching it. I'm a double major in Math, Physics. Full disclosure, I'm looking to research implementable ideas in Indian markets at intraday level, not purely acadmic excursion.

Please DM if your interested.
@reformedchristian453 This is super. Although I am not qualified, am just starting out to learn about Quant. Can you guide me on how to go about understanding the core principles and basics, any books or resources?
@ben_85 I'm from a math background. John Hull's Options book is pretty basic and should be useful anyday for reference. More more involved reading Marcos Lopez de Prado - Advances in Financial Machine Learning-Wiley (2018), Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin, Paul Bilokon - Machine Learning in Finance_ From Theory to Practice-Springer (2020).pdf
@reformedchristian453 I work in Data engineering for 12 years hadoop, spark, NoSql, cloud experience,

programming in Spark since 7 years, pyspark on databricks or apache spark, have worked on Data pipelines.

Investing side I am long term investor, dealing with delivery dont know about F&O.

We can connect and I can explore this as a Data use case :)

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