Looking for the cheapest car insurance fully coverage, highest deductibles offered.


New member
Clean Driving History (last 7) mid 30's Vehicles are all paid in full... im carrying (100/300k liability w/ uninsured 2k comp/coll deductibles) on 3 vehicles right now 7, 9 and 17 years old (truck valued @ 15k-16k probably other 2 are 14k-25k vehicles) just need coverage for total loss dont really care about fender benders or any of that since I am a collision tech and would suck it up and fix it myself for my mistake and pay for parts out of pocket..

Please advise
@lindseyt This needs to be a sticky here.

It shocks and scares me that so many people have zero clue that rates are affected by a hundred different things and there’s no way possible that someone could answer this inquiry here.

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