Looking for savings ideas


New member
I’m struggling with finances and managing our finances. For context, husband and I are in our 40s and we have 3 kids. Our household income is 170k. We rent & homeownership seems like a fantasy. We are in the GTA. I’m really wanting to save for a vacation. We never go outside of Canada. I’m able to save approx $250-350/ month. Where can I save this to get back a high ROI? Ideally I want to save for a year. From time to time, I’ll be able to add a 1+k to this fund now and then(bonuses etc). Our dream destination is Disney. Either the cruise or the park. I’m looking at approx 12k for the park trip. I understand I may need to save more/longer for this specific trip to happen. Please help with ideas as to where I can put this money into to save?
@josh215 Feel free to share a breakdown. Never been to Disney. 3 kids in the 14-9 age group. 2 adults. My research put me at 12 k with flight tickets from YYZ. If I can do for less, then that would be awesome.
@sean1240 Drive and stay at the campsite on the resort. It’s really nice. Or book one of the cabins if you must fly. It’s the cheapest option on site to accomodate 5 people.

You can order groceries from Amazon Fresh or Instacart, they will leave them at your door. There’s a full kitchen in those cabins and a BBQ. You don’t need a meal plan at Disney. They are way too expensive and somewhat inflexible.

Don’t get any of the extras with the tickets, like Park Hoppers and such. Not necessary. You also don’t have to go to the parks every day. It’s nice to spend at least a day on the resort and enjoy the pools, Disney Springs, etc.
@sean1240 You can stay off site as well, but with 3 kids, you will need a suite or two rooms regardless, and a rental car. The value resorts on site are cheap but only sleep 4.

A cabin is the most economical option IMO, since you can avoid eating out every meal and won’t need a rental car. The Fort Wilderness resort is a lot of fun. You can get around with Disney public transportation fairly easily, which is free. That’s what we did and it wasn’t an issue whatsoever.
@josh215 Thank you! Are you from Toronto? Asking so I can all more specific questions. We will need to fly for sure. No rental car would be great-to save. We have dietary restrictions in our family of 5, so making our meals would be super helpful. Having a few meals outside will be nice. We aren’t too big on walking lol so need to look into a good itinerary to make the best use of time and our energies to enjoy the park. Jan/feb/Mar is ideal time for us to travel. Wondering about deals to be had.
@sean1240 You first need to sit down and figure out why you are struggling to save more at 170k income. You should be saving thousands per month at that wage quite easily.

This isn't a knock, I'm just suggesting you've been setting your bar way too low, for way too long. If financial management isn't your forte, perhaps consider getting outside help.

Best of luck.
@dantter Perhaps I was too vague. I do have 3 kids and RESPs setup for them. I also make regular payments to a TFSA. I appreciate the “not-knock”😄, but after saving for all the necessary things, there just isn’t much left for things like a vacation, which to me is also necessary as I want memories for my kids. Rent is high at 3900/month, utilities, groceries, I have disabilities which at times incur out of pocket costs. All this combined, we ARE managing to save a bit for the future but nothing for fun like vacation or trips. Hence, my plea.
@sean1240 I would recommend YNAB. It is a budgeting program that allows you to prioritize your spending instead of just tracking it. There is a strong r/ynab community here or on Facebook. They also have a YouTube channel with a lot of information. Check out Heard it from Hannah and Nick True
@sean1240 Driving to disney could be cheaper overall. Or cash in points for flights .
There are some lovely sister disney hotels or do pop centurey in a lower season. Another iption is rent a DVC room . (There is a dedicated company that can help with that).
Eat 2 meals a day on property and bring breakfast foods for some breakfasts (we have done that it was awsome)

There is a Drury lane hotel that includes happy hoir meals (supper) and has breakfast included
(Yiu dont need to partake in all.those are free meals.but that's an idea )

Dont buy park hopper ticket dont pirchase fat lane.tickets or that kinda stuff.

For souvenirs you can get the kids do ey goft cards for bdays and xmas and then when at.disney they can shop :)

If you have a disney visa you get a percent off at.most resturants on property and shopping on property.
@dawsonwilson Thank you! Driving isn’t an option. We are only one driver between husband & I and my disability prevents me from that long a car ride unfortunately. I’ve been considering maybe driving to buffalo and taking a flight from there. Not sure what a DVC room is but will look into it. What is considered lower season?
@sean1240 Its varies a bit you can get an idea lookong at the on line booking calculator try january for sure .
I almost was going to be a dosney specialist bit didnt get into travel industry bit i do plan a fab dosney vacay 😀 .

DISNEY FOOD blog also has great kearning rools and well hust awsome.video to watch on you.tube :)

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