
New member
Hi, I'm considering what pension account to go with. I've narrowed it down to maybe the Zurich one via LA Brokers (1% fee, 100% allocation it seems) or more likely the self directed Davys PRSA (0.75% fee).

Is it allowed to have multiple PRSAs. For Example could I open both the Zurich one and self directed, split my contributions between both and still claim the tax relief the same as if I just had one or the other?

I'm wondering if anyone who is using the Davys one could give me their opinion on it as I'm leaning towards that. Can it be completely managed online? do they have an interface like DeGiro where I can place orders for example? or is it less sophisticated.

Is setting it up easy, can I just do it online, or do I need to go through phone-calls or other hassle?

As I understand it can later move y funds to a different PRSA anyway if I'm unhappy with it, is this correct?

(Tagging /@martin2017 and /@genericmushroom-madscientist as you both mentioned elsewhere you had the Davys self-directed)
@loverofchrist69 Hey. I've had a PRSA with Davy, but only since last November.

No idea if you can have multiple PRSAs, and I dont see why you would want that. A lot of extra hassle. You probably can, but that's only a guess

As for Davy, it's all online from what I've seen. I had to go into their office to set up the account but from what I remember, that was just to avoid having to get copies of my ID certified and stamped by a Guard, so you would probably be fine doing the entire set-up online.

Orders are all managed online. It's not quite as good of an interface as DeGiro but it works. well enough.

Not sure about moving funds. I think you can but not sure.
@panda01 thanks for the info!

so you can just deposit lump sums whenever you want via online banking and then choose within their platform what to invest it in, similar as you would in DeGiro?

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