Looking for help investing at 25 y/o

@bajadave Sure I can advise some book, depending on what you have read already or what you are interested in.
I’d need to know a little about you because I could for example advise you a book that could be interesting for an entrepreneur that wants to build a startup unicorn, but if you plan to just open a restaurant maybe it’s not the best book.
@parsonbrown I’ve heard once the phrase “a good investments, is good as the investor”.
If you really want to invest wisely, I’d advise you to make the best investment possible right now, and that’s to increase your financial/investment knowledge…
But it seems you may be interested in only getting advised in where to put your money, in that case you’ll find many that have lots of opinions.
@resjudicata No i would be interested in any type of advice. My question was purely from the angle of what to do or read to increase knowledge about financials and investments rather than the advice to just go and learn more
@parsonbrown Okay, that’s great to hear!
As far as I know, there are this way to invest:
-You invest in your business
-You invest in someone else’s business (they are better than you in growing money)
-You keep you wealth in commodities and eventually trade them when needed.

As I understand you want something more passive. That means you’ll go on the last two, skipping the “your business” option.
But remember that this doesn’t mean you don’t have to now anything about business, quite the opposite…you are still investing in business run by others.
For commodities investments (like gold, bitcoin, oil,..) it’s usually more as trading or an insurance investment (this depends on how you move in the investment world), like insurance against inflation.

Being that running a business is really hard, there’s a risk associated. Everytime you run a risk, you should be paid for it.
I hear many people advising very common/known investments, but honestly, lots of them put money in there and don’t even know how risky it is (that’s because the don’t know how to evaluate it, so they move like herd).
If you start using your knowledge to choose investments rather that relying on others opinions, you’ll be on the path to become a good investor.

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