Looking for Feedback - 2023 Review and Financial Overview


New member
Early 30's, single income, 2 Parents, 3 kids under 5y/o, HCOL.

In for some crowdsourced financial feedback from my peers. Looking for possible improvement/blindspots.

Link to 2023 Finances

Roth IRA 525k

401k 100k

HYSA/Cash 35k

HSA 12k

529 7k

Home 850k market value with 460k left on mortgage (30yr@3.75%)

Notes: Only debt is mortgage, home project is finished so won't be on future years, giving is important to our family, the savings funds are a way for us to have designated savings funds for specific medium/long term expenses and we budget for those monthly (cash for cars etc), Misc. is one off things like replacement vacuum, kid humidifier (not shush/fun money), wife is a fantastic coupon-er/meal planner and saves extraordinary amounts on our groceries/household, there's not a ton of "fun" money compared to others in our situation but we have never been big spenders in that category so we don't know the difference and usually spend time playing with our kids in our free time and plan to do more costly activities as they get older.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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