Looking for Career Change


New member
Looking for advice on possible career paths or job opportunities .

A little about me: I am a 34yo Male who has been in the service industry since I was 18. I’m currently working as an up scale dinning server in Calgary Alberta. I also have quite a bit of bartending experience as well. I graduated HS in 2007 and got decent grades however most of the classes were at the dash 2 level. I excel in customer service and love working with people in a team based environment. I love my job, however the ups and downs of the industry have really started to weigh on me as the hours are very inconsistent and it’s hard manage what my income will look like week to week. Life has also become incredibly expensive no matter how I try to budget.

Any advice or experience in changing career paths or finding a more financially stable income would be greatly appreciated.
@elb Great recommendation. Great people can help you sell and sales will yield you a better return and quality of life when it comes to your hours. Good Luck

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