Looking for car insurance for the first time


New member
I (M19) am buying my first car and had a couple questions:
  1. Would it be cheaper to get my own plan, or to put the car under my moms plan and pay her the difference?
  2. If I do get my own plan, what should I look out for and think about? I need it to be as cheap as possible, but I also don’t want to do something dumb and screw myself over somehow
Iv had my liscense for about a two months but have a perfect record. So far. The car is a 2001 Camry but it’s in pretty good condition, the only issues are being fixed before I buy it. I live in northern Virginia. I’m not sure how much of a difference that all makes but now y’all know. Thanks!
@st0rmchaser If you still live with your mom it’s generally cheaper for you to go under her plan than to make your own plan. 2 months is not a lot of time to an insurance company to prove you’re a safe driver, yet, and you’re in a statistically risky demographic of teenage male.

The good news is 2001 Camry is about the ideal car to make your premiums as cheap as possible as you likely can forgo comp/ collision.

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