Looking for a better Pillar 3a (advisor says he needs info on Pillar 2)


New member
I have my Pillar 3a through my bank and it has gained zero value beyond my own contributions (i.e., it has lost value due to inflation). I always max out my Pillar 3a. Where do people house Pillar 3a accounts that actually grow?

In an attempt to learn about alternatives, I asked for an appointment with my insurance company that offers Pillar 3a accounts. The person from the company told me to share my Pillar 2 information with him in preparation for the meeting. Why would they need that information? I just want to know whether they can do better with my Pillar 3a money.

I welcome answers to my Pillar 3a more generally and this specific case of the Pillar 2 paperwork in particular. Thanks!
@missjlouise I have mine at Finpension and have 14% returns since December 2020 when I moved to CH and opened the account.

It’s a set and forget 99% equity allocation mostly with US exposure replicating VTI that I top up every year the first week of January in a lump sum payment because I’m lazy.
@krikey What a coincidence, I'm lazy and using Finpension too!

I wish they would add the MWR performance on the start screen, like other apps, so that I don't have to make an extra touch on the "Vermögen" button on top.

But that's really the only negative thing I can say about them. They seem to invest well, and the costs are very low.

I am currently invested with True Wealth and FinPension. This year I'll probably use Viac to diversify some more.
@missjlouise Ive got mine with VIAC. I really like it, a lot of options to invest my own money how I seee fit and relatively low fees. The platform is very user friends as well.

Currently up around 15% in returns, after about 2 years. Majority is invest in S&P500 and an all world ETF.

This is just a leave it be portfolio that won’t be accessed for another 35+ years.

I would suggest: VIAC, FinPension or Frankly.

Good luck
Where do people house Pillar 3a accounts that actually grow?

In investment funds of the Pillar 3a which is usually a solution you can choose within the same provider.
I recommend a low cost provider like finpension or viac.

In an attempt to learn about alternatives, I asked for an appointment with my insurance company that offers Pillar 3a accounts.

Don't. Sign. Anything.
Indsurance companies always have an insurance included which is very expensive and intransparent in cost structure. If you need the insurance part, separate it from your 3a.

The person from the company told me to share my Pillar 2 information with him in preparation for the meeting. Why would they need that information? I just want to know whether they can do better with my Pillar 3a money.

They want it to calculate the gap of what you get vs what you need in retirement. This can be useful for you. But usually it is taken as a selling argument for the agent ;-)

This is a pretty good blog if you want further information:
@hesmyrock Thank you! This was my concern, that they were fishing for additional information to pitch me something I don't want/need. (When I was referring to insurance, I just meant that it's the company where I have my renter's insurance.)
@missjlouise You usually don’t do an 3a Account for gains it’s for tax reductions and to safe money, todays gains can be tomorrow loses, 0 stays 0.

People seem to forget that 2years ago we had negativ interest and had to pay money to keep it in the bank.

An insurance is only Bad if you are old, if you are young it might make sense.

They ask for 2a to show you where you are currently in comparison to the recommendations,
If you are young it doesn’t matter and this can Change everytime you change a job.

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