Long term investment

@moppu It definitely is worth putting money in it especially if it’s sitting doing nothing. And whilst it hasn’t outperformed or performed as well as the S&P 500, it’s not far off.

The S&P 500 since today a year ago, has increased 31.19%.

Compare that to HLAL, which has increased 27.45%.

Not much of a difference, whilst not compromising on faith.
@aprile The problem with HLAL is that it's allocating largely different weights on different stocks, for example it has 14% alone into AAPL which is absurd, it's very concentrated and if there is any tech bust it will behave like QQQ and you'll end up losing much much more than the S&P..
@simplymeandhe I agree, the Islamic market for ETFs is still growing, but I feel like we’ve reached a barrier in creating an ETF that mimics returns of the S&P 500.

Whilst picking individual stocks is never recommended, if you can, I’d personally create a portfolio of around 25-40 stocks and always actively manage it. I personally do this, and whilst it can be time consuming and annoying, if you enjoy the process then I don’t see any issue with it. But it is very tedious at times.

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