Take home pay at roughly 5k.

I did go around to check with other option such as Personal loan from Bank (MayBank). Both also comes up with 8% p.a. interest with lower allowable loan amount (15k).

Currently for CC I have 2 of them rounding up to 8k limit, I did try to reach out with my bank for increment (at least 10k each but to no avail due young history of 6 month, paid full all of my monthly so far so should be clean)

Currently I have 15k savings but prefer not to burn all for a bike, whereas I am more comfortable to park elsewhere for security.

Buying a second-hand for MT-25 is quite a challenge as none is reachable in my area and I prefer to be able to conduct F2F inspection and to bring to mechanic.

MT-25 itself is a want i guess rather than a need.
@dekaewaii Don't take personal loan, man. Especially not for buying a liability. A motorcycle, like a car, is a liability unless if it is essential for making money. You use personal loan for doing business when your credit rating sucks.

If you really want it, just save some money. Yes, i know some people buy motorbikes with personal loans. I'm saying don't unless it's essential for making money.
@dekaewaii 6-7% interest rate for a bike?! Damn….thats terrible. Don’t become another Malaysian among millions who get attracted & trapped with car/bike loan. It’s a typical mistake made again & again.

How about working on yourself first? Get a higher salary if you really want to buy it.

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