List Of Debt Free Stocks


New member
Assalamu alaykum/Hey everyone,

I’ve been lurking and noticed many comments about debt free or halal stocks, they do exist and they’re quite easy to find. I’ll provide a list of a few I have shares of (I like a dividend) and a resource on where to find more debt free stocks.

Stocks without any debt or haram income as of July 21 2020 (That also pay a dividend)

DMLP - debt free trust that has expanded oil reserves doesn’t have an expire or termination as it is managed (unlike other trusts) gives out 90% of earnings expect it to take a dividend hit due to oil prices.

EPM - took on debt.

AE - took on small amount of debt.

KLIC - Sells equipment to produce semiconductors.

CIX - produces and sells locks for all types of uses & boating components.

EBF - involved in all things printing, history of acquisitions, but a declining industry as things shift to digital. (My personal take)

GORO - a gold mining company with operations in Mexico and Nevada, typically fund expansion with share dilution.

DSWL - based out of China, pays a semi-annual dividend, produces plastic components for a multitude of products, and produces electronic items mainly related to audio.

TAIT - distributor of electronics & electronic components.

FRD - a small steel manufacturer.

SIMO - a semiconductor.

UTMD - produces and sells an array of different medical devices.

These are just a few of many for a complete list you can find debt free stocks on finviz a stock screener - this link will have what you need selected to see debt free stocks (you will have to vet out any haram stocks yourself (ie how they make money if it’s banking or gambling etc. and make sure be up to date if it is still debt free, it doesn’t update that quick),fa_ltdebteq_u0.1&ft=4&o=-marketcap

Some stocks will be debt free then take on debt to make acquisitions so you want to be abreast of any information regarding that, so it’s good to stay informed on your investments.

Also I’ve noticed a discrepancy with bond offerings and debt that show up on this screener so you’ll want to see if they have any out.

This screener has stocks with a ratio below .1 debt so some still have small levels of debt you would have to dig through and find to see to be positive. This does help however & screens out many companies with substantial debt and does a lot of the leg work, still further research should be done!

Hope this helps! If anything I stated was incorrect let me know I’ll fix it!

@brotherian Salaam, appreciate the effort you put in. I have a question.
Will oil stocks not be in decline as a result of climate change and sustainability and alternative energy???
@resjudicata Walaykum Assalam, yeah I don’t think oil has a sustainable long term future and will eventually take a turn like coal did (and the lowest cost producer will be the last man standing) - but I don’t think it will happen as fast, and I don’t think the decline will be as drastic. There are reports showing oil demand increasing, for the foreseeable future though, even with other forms of energy.
@carl77 Yeah below 0.1 - I already set those parameters when you click the link. You should see them in yellow. Also some companies classify there land/building leases as debt.

Screener doesn’t guarantee complete debt free but filters out quite a bit.

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