Life Insurance pre-existing conditions?


New member
Hey all,

My wife & I are expecting our first child & I’m looking to purchase life insurance of some sort.

I have Graves’ disease, though developed hypertension & anxiety prior to being officially diagnosed as I suffered through a thyroid storm.

My health has greatly improved since then, but I remain on thyroid medication as well as an anti-anxiety medication. I will likely remain on both long-term. I am on hypertension medications but I have been tapered down to the smallest dose possible and expect to be completely off them in a short time.

Am I pretty much out of affordable life insurance options?

My wife already has a policy.
@iomlk23 Not necessarily out of options.

The conditions you mention all boil down to having large variances - collectively they may mean nothing, individually any one of them might be a decline. So it's really tough to say. I have thyroid, that would potentially cause a rating. Anxiety, if it's well controlled, is standard. Then there's the interaction between all that.

What you'll need to do is apply at a few companies. This is not uncommon with complex cases. Apply at one, then do a 'medshare', where you apply at other companies and tell them to share the data. That'll give you a couple offers that you can evaluate.

You can also try Wawanesa. Nothing specific about them, other than I used to have really good luck with them when it came to complex rated cases.

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