Life insurance exam - how do they measure height?


New member
I am scheduled for a home exam Monday, and I believe based on info I read online that I am right at the cusp of the height/weight limit for the best rates. However, I am sometimes measured as 5’11, sometimes 5’10 depending on which dr office I go to. If I was 5’11, I’d be right under the weight limit. Most recently I went to the doctors office and was measured at 5’11 a few months ago. When I measure myself at the gym, I’m 5’11 with just socks on and I believe this is most accurate.

Does anyone know how the examiner measures your height for the home exam?
@antone 200 is well below the limits for most companies. Keep in mind that height/weight tables fluctuate vastly between companies.

I'm talking about for someone who is 5'11" a variance of 80 lbs from what the company considers "normal".
@antone Really depends on the examiner. I’ve had an examiner just breeze through an exam and didn’t even ask me to take my shoes off. Another was more meticulous and made sure my shoes where off and I was not standing on carpet. Both times they used a measuring tape.

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