Life insurance company told me I’m the beneficiary when I wasn’t to avoid a bad faith lawsuit


New member
A life insurance policy was changed from me to another person. The company contacted me last year telling me I was the beneficiary and asking me to send in the form which I did. They then called saying that there was a competing claim and it would have to go to an interpleader. Well turns out the company F’d up and they should have paid out the other person. They tried using me as a scapegoat because if it goes to interpleader they wash their hands of it vs getting sued for bad faith. Fortunately the judge saw through their BS. Now I’m wondering if it’s worth suing the insurance myself for bad faith in getting my hopes up, wasting my time etc.?
@hannahjane They told me I was the beneficiary, sent me the paperwork to fill out and told me they would send the check out when they had no intention of doing so. They only wanted to push it off to an interpleader. That hardly seems ethical.
@beauty86 Again, where’s the damages? It’s not like they paid you and then took their money back after you spent it. They made a mistake and said you would receive money, but caught the mistake and you never got it.

Can I sue my employer for my bonus only being 3% when they said it could be 5%? What about my buddy, that I bet $100 with that the Chiefs would win the Super Bowl? He hasn’t paid me the money he said he would either, can I sue him? Hardly any different.
@yhjmkiop There are many cases in which gambling g debts are enforce. Presuming you and your friend made the bet in a state that explicitly permits social gambling and you both reside in that state you absolutely can file a tort.
@beauty86 When they found their mistake, did they not come back to you and explain the situation, even if generally, and ask you to drop the claim? It would be very odd for an insurer to interplead a claim as SOP unless one of the two parties refused to drop the claim or otherwise work it out with the other beneficiary.

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