Lemonade limbo


New member
My ceiling suddenly and without warning collapsed. Restoration company said it was NOT due to wear and tear. High winds caused roof damage—tearing off shingles which allowed rain to pour in.

Lemonade is waiting to speak to landlord, who doesn’t care to respond. He never visited the unit after the ceiling collapsed, and is a slumlord. He previously told me, he wants to let the place deteriorate as much as possible so all the tenants can leave. The other three tenants are under rent control. Entire property has been seized temporarily by city and is condemned.

Mold began to newly develop. Dirt and debris pour in. Rats and pigeons are im the attic, which defecTe (rat pop and guano) are terrible for respiratory system.

I can’t afford to rent hotels anymore. It’s been 4 months.

Lemonade still wants to wait to speak to landlord.

Me and fiancé e are getting sick. Can’t take it anymore and we can’t do anything. Plz help

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