Leasing a new car and had a ticket, but my insurance company did not ask about convictions should i tell them?


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Hi Everyone,

I had a ticket back in August 2023. I did not change my insurance or my car since then and they kept renewing my insurance.
I am leasing a car and i was on a the phone with them and they didn't ask about any convictions. Should i go ahead and tell them to change my policy? It will not be a problem in the future?

Thanks in advance!
@pinetowntree Not every company does this every year though. If they don’t mention it, it’s not impossible for it to slide by unnoticed for a year or even two. Some companies are more lax than others. We definitely run MVRs for every new policy or driver, but not new vehicles.
@blaire They might run your licence at renewal, they might not. If they do your rates will go up. If you change insurers they will definitely ask about tickets. Just carry on and anticipate higher premiums at renewal.

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