Kiwisaver, Aggressive, 26 y/o 0 balance


New member
Hi, I know this is an age old question as yes, I know the 4 reddit recommends but that's not really my question. Got residency in October last year. Partner, 26y/o as well has kiwisaver. Just bought a house so he only has 1k left in there.

Question is, is it worth it to start Kiwisaver and if so, which 4? Calculator tools say kinda, we would have 330k and about 490k apparently at retirement if we invest now.

We are with ANZ for loan... and if you also look at Sorted (as recommended). Milford and Simplicity doesn't really have robust data there- so why NOT the ANZ scheme which seems to have good returns and fee? If it's the 4 reddit recommends, I'm partial to Milford, maybe simplicity.


Kiwisaver at 26y/o, 0 balance, ok?

If YES, which- why not ANZ.

EDIT: Just bit the bullet and did Simplicity :) Chur guys!
@passionforjesus So while 0.91% seems like a low fee its still pretty high I think Simplicity is around 0.25% atm and they do seem to continue to put efforts into reducing. Milford also seems to be at 1%

Returns seem fine but returns of most of the major funds are similar and past returns don't mean future returns will continue.

The fact that you have a loan with ANZ makes no difference to anything.

I'd say go with simplicity low fees are worth more then most other things.

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