@perpetuah You can raise kids with the bare minimum. A roof over their head, food on the table, second hand or free clothes (you can get them from your local buy nothing groups), public school cost very little, there’s Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, subsidized childcare etc. You can just scrape by day to day. The question is do you want to bring a baby into that environment? Only you can answer that question.
@perpetuah Why don't you wait and adopt? It's quite selfish to the baby considering the relationship rarely lasts through a newborn AND financial hardships, let alone the disconnection one side will feel when they have to pick up more shifts and spend less time with the family so you can afford necessities for said baby.
@perpetuah OP, I can’t begin to tell you how much I feel for your post. Both my spouse are in agreements that we want to have children, but we also are aware of how difficult it will be for us to financially take on. I too have questionable fertility (PCOS) so there’s an ongoing fear to the “if” that will happen for us. My heart goes out to you!

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