K tax code issue and underpayment of tax


New member
Hi all,

I’ll keep this as brief as I can.
I just started a new employment in the NHS and was issued a K122 tax code. I rang HMRC a couple of weeks ago and I was told that my tax code would be changed back to 1266L. Fast forward to this months payday, my payslip still says I’m on a K tax code, this time K823.
They’ve deducted a significant portion of my pay (nearly £800) leaving me quite short for the month. Things have not been easy and I have drained my savings and been living paycheck to paycheck last couple of months. It isn’t where I thought I’d be but hey here we are.
I call HMRC yet again and ask why my tax code wasn’t what they told me it would be, they state that the changes were not inputted properly. Whatever, I gave them the information all over again and it has been revised to 1266L which I can see on my online account.
They then tell me I have an underpayment from a previous year and that’s the reason why my tax code was adjusted to a K code. She further states that I was being taxed 20% on a job I was meant to be taxed 40%, as I apparently held 2 jobs, hence the underpayment. I explain that this is not the case, I only had one main source of income and the second job was bank/locum work, and that would have been my second job, but certainly not a regular source of income.
They then can’t really understand the source of the underpayment, but are now suggesting that because I’ve started and stopped quite a few jobs this month that the ‘system’ has not calculated things correctly and I should wait until the end of the tax year to see if I really do owe money to them or vice versa. I asked what can I do about the money that they’ve taken from me, they tell me they can’t process a refund for the next payslip because HMRC will apparently try to take the entire underpayment in one go (again, they are not sure if I’m even liable to pay this 4k underpayment figure yet). So I should just wait until all the P45s are in and see what’s what.

My question here is, if I can’t afford my basics this month, what can I do? Contact my payroll department at NHS trust or demand a refund from HMRC?
How can they suddenly adjust my tax code to claim an underpayment and then claim they are not actually sure whether I’ve underpaid tax or not, but no I can’t have my money back and must by force see it through until next payslip?

I finished permanent employment with one NHS trust in July 2023, then started a full-time bank role in the NHS for which I worked occasionally while I was permanently employed by the previous trust. I then stopped full-time bank work for this trust in January 2024 and started permanent full-time employment with another NHS trust. Each time, they were my main sources of income.

Apologies if I sound clueless or not explaining things properly, that’s because I genuinely am clueless when it comes to tax, no matter how much I try to understand it.
@thumperofbibles Did you get a P45 each time you left one job and started the next. Did you provide this to your next employer?

If no, they wouldn’t pass this on to HMRC who rightly might think you owe them cash as you’re still “earning”.

Remove all jobs you’re not working at from HMRC portal. Update your end of year expected income from your jobs and hope it gets fixed. There’s otherwise not a lot you can do.

The underpayment would be from a previous tax year so you should be able to see that on HMRC portal as well and how that happened.

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