Just got a message from a friend that he lost all of his money with one of those online casinos.

@zatek To be fair, OP did state that the $100k pay through was unbeknownst to his unfortunate friend. It sounds like his impulses were so out of control that he rushed through the disclaimer. Such a sad story.
@brittyboop2014 I do feel bad for him. Those casinos are predators and devise deceitful tactics to hook people with gambling and impulse control issues. They know exactly what they’re doing and the harm they’re causing.
@achieng Yeah, those playthroughs are B.S. The one on my local ads is like 24x. No way you can make it to that!

Sorry for your friend.

Thanks for sharing, it's a good reminder to all of us.
@achieng Real physical casinos provide drinks, atmosphere and good food. So even if you lose money, it was entertaining and you can call it the cost of the vacation. And you slowly lose your money so you're there long enough to want to eat and stay over night.

Those online casinos aren't for people can afford it. They're for gambling addicts and suckers.

They're looking for whales just like those pay to win mobile games. Candy Crush wants you to pay real money to progress because the game is rigged to be near impossible to progress without "power ups" after a certain point. It tricks you into thinking you're good at the game and then you're more inclined to spend a "few bucks" for just one more move or whatever.

It's all the same trash looking for addicts.
@achieng My cousin has been gambling for decades. Had the perfect family, house, cars, well paying job. He let go of everything but his job in order to freely gamble without anyone telling him to stop or have responsibilities. Before COVID, he'd rack up debt to gamble and then went to work to pay it off. Endless cycle. So when COVID hit, there was no job to pay off the debt he recently racked up again.

Now the guy's jumping from couch to couch. One day, no one's going to take him in anymore. Gambling has become his only source of happiness when he gets the win high but has destroyed his life. He needs to stop now.

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