Just got a message from a friend that he lost all of his money with one of those online casinos.

@venusfreedom777 This is where online casinos get people. Many people don't know what a playthrough is or are even aware of it. This is the first time I'm hearing about it. Otherwise, I'd keep thinking people can cash out at any time.
@achieng Hopefully, this is a lesson learned. However it is very real that he might be hooked. I had a friend that had a very bad case of gambling addiction. To the point where if he managed to get 50 bucks he would spend 30 dollars of it on uber to the casino to make an unrealistic 20 dollar bet. Countless of times over the years friends have tried to convince him to stop but he didnt. He only stopped when he had enough and decided to do a 180. He got a job and became number one salesman of the month etc etc. Idk if he still gambles but there is no way you can talk him out of it. He has got to want to stop.
@tobelieveinhim I've known 2 gambling addicts, and been to casinos with them. Both of them had the inability to stop, i watched one hit for almost 1,000 in 2006 and lose it all plus in 15 minutes. The other one was up 4,000 and again within 20 minutes gone. It truly is an addiction and it's sad to see.
@tobelieveinhim There is a program for people who want to get help, gamblers anonymous. Usually people don’t start until they’ve completely destroyed their lives but some people do recognize that they can’t stop them selves and get help before they ruin all of their relationships and career. Like all addictions, being part of the program is important not just to stop the behavior but to prevent it from jumping to something else.
@johnmark99 What does prevent it tp jumping to someone else mean? I feel like I spent too much time in casinos and got addicted. Like i used to go with my bf and hated spending money and would wanna leave. I never won, but after a yeatr or 2 i was just as addicted as he was.
@tomatocarrot People who struggle with compulsive behavior often switch one vase for another. So part of what 12 step programs do is control for that a little bit by focusing on talking to other people a lot with the same experience and talk about the things that are coming up as they come up on a daily basis so that you don’t end up going right back to the old addiction or starting a new one. For example Overeaters anonymous is filled with people who started out as alcoholics or gamblers or drug addicts and then turned to food once they got sober.
@achieng A casino near me did a similar promo almost a year ago. They'd double your deposit. I read all the terms and conditions before signing up. Deposited $250. So they gave me $250. I played blackjack with their $250. Turned it into $175 in real money and withdraw it all. So I got $175 for free.

It's certainly do-able. Just read the T&C and know when to walk away.
@achieng Lack of income is clearly an issue in the world, but many truly underestimate what both mentality and education can do to finances. Many people, even a lot of the middle class, are stuck where they are because they’ll “step over a dollar to pick up a dime”. Dude had $1200 but literally threw that away on a proven scam, just to try to make a quick buck
@hondo341 Basically. I mean, I believe the $24k he "won" and kept playing with would go towards that $100k but obviously the big gamble was thinking they'd let him get up to $100k before they flipped the killswitch. 🤷

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