Just finished the trial for Progressive’s Snapshot discount program

@tjcomedy I had it for a month and called today to turn it back in. I work a federal job and commute an hour to work at 3am. There are a ton of stop lights on the way that I have to stop for sometimes i have to choose between hard braking or running a red light. Every day i get dinged a couple times for hard braking. After a month of having it the app rates me as a 1 star driver and said I was on the way for a rate increase. I believe due to my early am driving that it considers high risk and unavoidable hard braking for red lights. Going home in heavy traffic can be a 2 hour drive and i tried my best to not hard brake and i agree not doing it is dangerous. After canceling snapshot Progressive is charging me 200 dollars which is the discount I received they said when I signed up. I do not recommend snapshot to anyone unless they are retired and don't need to drive except for short commutes to the grocery store.
@tjcomedy I signed up for Snap Shot. 3 cars one driver hoping to save money. 2 classic cars sit in a heated garage 95% of the year. I had to replace the batteries in both those cars at $235 each. So in reality it cost me to use Progressive
@tjcomedy I'm doing Snapshot now, the plug in version. I am retired so we don't drive much and are never in a hurry. I have noticed that Snapshot obviously wants me to blow through yellow lights rather than slow down. I have had 6 hard braking warnings in 2 months and every one of them has been from slowing in the same 50 mph zone for yellow lights. Since I figured this out, I go through them now and have had no issues. I'm still only a B+.
@tjcomedy Risky driving hours? What if you HAVE to drive at “risky hours” to get home from school or work? Sounds like a program that’s setup to fail lol. Thanks for sharing your experience!

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@tjcomedy So I had snapshot and they actually raised my monthly so I canceled and went to another insurance. But now they’re emailing me saying I still owe them a balance. They’ve been sent a cancellation notice the day prior to the cancellation date so I’m confused and the money they’re asking for is for the remaining months of the insurance. Is this allowed? They’re asking for nearly 1k. Or is this happening because I went to another insurance after being late on payment?
@tjcomedy Agent here selling Prog (only if I have to) and Erie. I agree, progressive's is crap. Erie's however just bought me an expresso machine between me, the wife and my son (well, knocked $300 off the price anyway). And I drive like a maniac in a Mini Cooper that's made for aggressive driving. Consistently score in the high 90s.
@tjcomedy Honestly just doing it for the initial discount is worth it saved me $50. I've had the snapshot like 4 times now because every time my 6 months is up my rates go way up and it's like $100 cheaper to do a new policy. And with my old car, the brakes were terrible so most of my stops were beeped at especially when going down hill. I've been able to keep my grade up this time by using the phone app and it literally hasn't registered any hard breaks /yet/
@tjcomedy Snapshot beeped at me whenever I made a turn without coming to a complete stop. This is Pennsylvania. It's all back roads that follow old field boundaries with lots of turns. I ended up leaving progressive after that.

They also insisted on mailing me a box to return it after I was told to keep the box it came in and use that to return it. Which is a little thing but it's dumb.
@tjcomedy I just got through 6 months of using it, and apparently I didn't drive enough to get enough data. The blue progress bar on my phone app is barely 1/3rd of the way full. I drive about 72-115 miles per week, and have had a B+ rating since the beginning. I have been shutting off the app whenever I'm out of the car, so I suspect it tracks the actual time passed, and stops working when the app is paused, but nowhere online does it say anything like that. I may be looking at another 6 months of keeping the app on all the time, just so it actually finishes.
@tjcomedy Interesting. I wonder if there are other factors that aren't shown on the dashboard. I'm currently at 0.58 hard brakes per week, 0 fast accelerations, and 52 seconds per week of late night driving and my rating is A+. Just comparing stats, I'd say mine are significantly worse than yours, so it's strange that you would only have a B rating unless there was some other information being included in the overall grade (age, driving history, location, etc.).
@tjcomedy Definitely not worth the aggravation. This device will cause you to scream f**K at your car at least once a day when it rips you for a slight hard break which is unavoidable in safe driving. I qualified for a discount but my wife didn't. This program is just basically spyware for Progressive to creep on you.
@tjcomedy I’m canceling my progressive coverage due to this. I drive an F-150 and I got 6 hard accelerations today.

I was just getting on the highway or leaving a stoplight with traffic.

Their “safe” hours are BS and this snapshot has nothing to do with safe drivers. Especially if it can penalize you and nearly nobody saves money with it.
@tjcomedy F’IN hate snapshot!!! Got quoted $240 for living in central FLORIDA as a 31yr male. Agent suggested snapshot, can’t drive over 80 on the Highway l, which in Florida is actually dangerous, what they consider hard braking is a joke! With people cutting me off on a daily basis, would progressive rather have me hit the damn car instead?! I’m unenrolling, thankfully it’s only been 3 days since I set it up….what a joke.
@tjcomedy It's been almost a year for me. When I call and asked when it would be finished they just said "We don't have access to that information. It's done when it's done.". I would tell everyone I know to not get it but then I feel like that is what Progressive wants. The only time I've gotten beeped at is when people pulled out in front of me so maybe 3-4 times in the year I've had it and my score is a fucking B+. Such bullshit.

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