Just finished the trial for Progressive’s Snapshot discount program

@tjcomedy I'm wondering if their grading system has changed over the years.

I'm currently just past the 2nd Check in, and showing an "A+" Rating.

0 Fast Accelerations.

Just under 0.9 Hard break a week (0 in the last week) (Almost all of my heard breaks were people cutting me off)

160 Miles a week

5.5 Hours per week Duration.

0 Late night drives.
@tjcomedy I got busted for using my phone accidentally after putting the transmission in reverse from park and moving a few inches while still checking directions on GPS. Whoops. It's my first event after about two weeks in, but I wonder if it's going to translate to a total fail.
@tjcomedy My husband drives a 2011 lexus and he drives like 100 miles every week. I had snapshot in my Mazda 3 some years back. It saved me like $93 cause I was a short distance driver I guess. He’s getting dinged for “hard breaks” all the time and “rapid acceleration” when he gets in the freeway. He does a lot of night driving because of his work schedule. I think I’m gonna be taking the Snapchat out now, Because it’s been reading him at a C minus which means that our rate is probably gonna go up or it’s going to negate the savings that I got on mine. It might’ve been worth it seven or eight years ago but it looks like it is not now. He did a search of a snapshot tonight and a lot of the reviews are saying that it’s a bit scammy and is just meant to artificially ding you on things that are beyond your control in traffic. That way they can hike up your rates. 2/10 would not recommend.

Edit: he has his phone hooked up to the built in blue tooth as well and evidently if you have the app it’ll track your phone usage while driving as well. Even if you’re hands free.
@tjcomedy I’ve only had it for 4 days and I hate it! You have to gently break about a half mile away or the thing beeps at you. I’d rather pay a higher premium than walk on pins and needles! I’m sending this thing back!
@tjcomedy I definitely agree on the hard braking. I’m a fantastic driver and when you’re in a densely populated city with rush hour traffic every day hard stops are unavoidable sometimes. I’m 2 months in and averaging 1.35 hard brakes/ week with 177 mi/ driven week. 4/5 stars or B grade. You’re totally right on it making you a worse driver over having to avoid hard stops.
@tjcomedy Disagree I’m really not concerned with the tracking part , yet here in Seattle where everything gets stolen it saved a ton of money.
Second I don’t drive like a crazy person had 3 hard breaks and got another $200 off my next premium.
@tjcomedy My insurance went up because of Snapshot. I drive a 20 year old Jeep and use the under the dash model. It goes off ALL the time, including when I back out of my garage. On the other hand, there have been times in rush hour when I’ve have to brake hard on the freeway and lock up my seatbelt and it did NOT go off. I think the whole program is a scam designed to gouge customers. There is absolutely no way the “rapid” 7mph deceleration can determine if you are a “safe driver” because there are contexts where you need to stop quickly! Just off the phone with Progressive and I am locked into the higher rate even if I quit using Snapshot, so I feel like I’m essentially forced to find another company. Too bad, because I was otherwise happy with Progressive. Snapshot is a scam.
@tjcomedy Currently running an A plus rating with o fast acceleration, .19 hard break per week and 82 miles per week average, which is more like 260 a week realistically. No late night driving, I’m almost at 2 months in at this point.
@tjcomedy Using the phone app-no hard brakes, accelerations, etc.

However, even AFTER you stop, shut off the car....it still records phone use as during driving!

The only way around it is to change that trip to Passenger from driver.

Its a glitch that progressive needs to address
@tjcomedy I just finished and found it very easy to comply with, I ended with an A+ rating, and on my 6 month policy saved just under $300. I see everyone saying it's not worth it but for me it definitely was, I even had an accident on my record and this was a huge life saver. Also I just turned 25, I started the snapshot at 24.
@srs I just got Progressive insurance today with Snap Shot... and I think if u look at all these bad comments, almost all of them are from 2 years ago and with the stand alone device. I think today and having the app is going to be a much better over all experience is my feeling. I think they've changed things alot in the last 2 years. I guess I'll see if I'm right as time goes on lol
@tjcomedy Progressive Ins deserves a torte filling nationwide due to unfair arbitrary settings with snap chat as the parameters are set by the corporate office, I have had a perfect driving record since 1972. No speeding tickets, no accidents. Drove emergency vehicles had certification from EVOC, emergency vehicle operational control. I've trained personnel for driving emergency vehicles ie Ambulances primarily just not sure how to proceed in seeking legal help. They advertise saving on insurance rates, but snap chat dictated a $ 281.00 increase for yearly increase, currently checking other insurance companies. The braking parameters on braking with snap chat is a decrease of speed 7mph/second rapid acceleration, I believe, is 8mph per second cornering is also regulated. They get you coming and going! This is a convenient scam.
@tjcomedy I've been driving for 6 months now with it (still have yet to get the notification that I can take it out of my car). I have 5/5 stars and I saved nearly $500. I highly recommend it. Fast accelerations is 0, hard breaks is 2.32 per week, an average of 7 minutes of late night drives, and I nearly double your driving at 95.36 miles per week. I saved a total of $480 on my bill. I get billed bi-yearly for reference.

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