Just finished the trial for Progressive’s Snapshot discount program

@tjcomedy I had it for a month and called today to turn it back in. I work a federal job and commute an hour to work at 3am. There are a ton of stop lights on the way that I have to stop for sometimes i have to choose between hard braking or running a red light. Every day i get dinged a couple times for hard braking. After a month of having it the app rates me as a 1 star driver and said I was on the way for a rate increase. I believe due to my early am driving that it considers high risk and unavoidable hard braking for red lights. Going home in heavy traffic can be a 2 hour drive and i tried my best to not hard brake and i agree not doing it is dangerous. After canceling snapshot Progressive is charging me 200 dollars which is the discount I received they said when I signed up. I do not recommend snapshot to anyone unless they are retired and don't need to drive except for short commutes to the grocery store.
@tjcomedy I signed up for Snap Shot. 3 cars one driver hoping to save money. 2 classic cars sit in a heated garage 95% of the year. I had to replace the batteries in both those cars at $235 each. So in reality it cost me to use Progressive
@tjcomedy I'm doing Snapshot now, the plug in version. I am retired so we don't drive much and are never in a hurry. I have noticed that Snapshot obviously wants me to blow through yellow lights rather than slow down. I have had 6 hard braking warnings in 2 months and every one of them has been from slowing in the same 50 mph zone for yellow lights. Since I figured this out, I go through them now and have had no issues. I'm still only a B+.
@tjcomedy Risky driving hours? What if you HAVE to drive at “risky hours” to get home from school or work? Sounds like a program that’s setup to fail lol. Thanks for sharing your experience!

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