Jump to 2 years contract in Oil n Gas, or remain at permanent office role?

Hi all, I require some advice for this new opportunity. I'm a 28M from KL. Been working for 3 years in this office-based role.

Current Job - High revenue SME, Executive level, Permanent, 5.83k/month, 100 allowance, consistently guaranteed 3 months bonus at end year. Flexi claim 2k/year for optical dental, 20 days AL.

New opportunity - One of the big O&G company internationally, but hub in Malaysia, Senior Analyst, contract 2 years, 7.6k - 8k (still in discussion). The only comp & benefits are 1 day AL/month, 1 day Medical leave/month, RM150 per month. 3 days office, 2 days home. Working hours are Monday to Friday, 3pm-12am (due to Europe timing). Payroll and contract will be under this third-party outsourced business solution company working as this MNC's direct vendor. Has potential to be absorbed as permanent worker, which in turn will be good for my career path working in big O&G company. There's a termination penalty if contract is terminated within first year.

I'm really in a dilemma here to either go for it, or just reject due to the working hours and contract based with minimal benefits.

What do you guys think?
@notaperfectchristian Bro about the promise to convert to permanent, that’s just the carrot they dangle infront of u.
Every contract position they will say can convert but it seldom happens.

The 3 month bonus is also a big factor. Contract position don’t expect bonus unless it’s stated in your contract. So based on that you are making roughly 90k a year currently, and new job assuming 8k is 96k a year.

For 500 ringgit a month increment you let go permanent post for contract.

I think you need to talk to the new company and discuss a better package.

90k*1.2=108k or 9k a month is more reasonable.
When nego, keep say it is contract and that u can provide X years of ea form as proof u get consistently 3 month bonus.

But of course that’s just dollars and cents.
If you believe the new position has more potential then by all means take it. I’m just saying the monetary offer is lackluster.
@guilhermeelias but how many of the contracts actually go permanent? i dont trust local companies. my mum was on contract for years, never converted to permanent, then finally let go later.

All empty promises.
@lashay These day the labor law dictate that the same position must be converted to permanent or the person be let go by 2 years. Well unless they change the role technically so there's a bit of a loop hole still but if you're good at your job it's likely going permanent if they need someone to be there.
@lashay On boarding a guy till he or she can actually contribute isn't exactly easy and 99% of the time you don't want to go thru that trouble to save just a bit, it's a lousy business decision unless it's a very simple operator kinda role perhaps.

At some point you want and need to bet on yourself.
@notaperfectchristian Pretty big bump, but i feel like the reduced benefits + the odd working hours is a huge downside.

Depends if youre willing to sacrifice your social nightlife I guess?

If you have working wife/kids jn school, all the more reason to really weigh this cons.

EDIT: accounting for your guaranteed 3 mth bonus, your current pay almost matches the new offer, so i guess i wouldnt really go for it unless you really want to jump into o&g
@cyprianus And accounting that extra AL. His current pay is technically the same or higher. 8 extra AL and 3 months bonus will make his salary worth at 7.75k. That’s assuming his offered company pay for KWSP. If not, his actual current pay is literally higher.
@seanmcc The new job do offer the typical stuff like hospitalization insurance, EPF (standard rates), SOCSO.

If we were to compare apple to apple, my current would be 89k for 2024, and 96k for the new job.
@notaperfectchristian Are the positives of + 7k (~RM580/month) and future O&G name worth the negatives of weird hours, almost halved annual leave (whats your daily wage?), 2 yr contract? Those hours mean you wont see your family/friends until weekends. But, you can easily get errands done in the daytime without taking leave. Pros and cons.

If no family, nightlife not important to you, and you dont mind no long holiday for 2 years, then go for it! Its a temporarily lifestyle sacrifice for future upside.

But please also consider the actual role responsibilities and the possibility of you loving/hating it. My colleague left our comfy MNC job to join O&G for the golden career but end up quit in less than 1year cuz hated it. But of course, hard to know until you try. Just dont go in all green ears and green eyes.
@notaperfectchristian EPF and SOCSO are not benefits. These are statutory requirements. Unless the employer is promising to give more than what is required by law for EPF.

Also, from my rough calculation, your 8 days of leave is worth about RM3.6k. 96k-3.6k would take it down to about 93k.

IMO it's OK to take some monetary hit if you are gaining experiences that you otherwise wouldn't get. Hopefully it's not some generic work. Probably learn fast and don't expect a guaranteed job after 2 years. Look out for better opportunities especially with real O&G companies that does E&P.
@notaperfectchristian Just be wary OP. They are offering contract for a reason. If oil and gas market is doing badly you will be the first on the chopping block. It is fairly common to be in contract role in oil and gas industry due to this reason.
@scarletrozes Gotta risk it for the biscuit. If you want to get ahead you need to take chances and risk.

Working for MNC and sacrificing some odd hours now may pay off later when applying for other jobs.

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