Job Interview requires insurance for test drive (TX) but l don't have a car


New member
The job deals with operating a vehicle so l have to perform a test drive. l don't have a car (I'm in a rental at the moment) so l don't have insurance in my name.

People have recommended non-owner insurance, but wouldn't l need the VIN to get that? It could be a situation where they have several vehicles and wouldn't know which one I'd use for the test drive, plus l don't want to start off being a burden.

This seems like something that should be in the job description.

This is so annoying. Please help me. Thank you.
People have recommended non-owner insurance, but wouldn't l need the VIN to get that?

That's exactly what you need. Non owner policies don't require a VIN since you aren't insuring a particular car. You're insuring yourself for damages you may cause to other people while driving a car that's not yours.
@macb If you’re using one of the company’s vehicles for the test drive, you would be covered under that policy. Did the company tell you that you need insurance to use one of their vehicles?
@macb This is weird to me too. Usually insurance follows the car, not the driver. Their insurance would be primary to respond and that’s how they should want it, to protect their interests. This is a very unusual request, IMO

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