It's Tuesday!: let's talk about your salary and social perks! Be honest !


New member
What are you doing ? How much ? Wich sector? How long did you study for diploma...

Are you happy?

Me: i'm working in public fed secto.. my salary
75 000$, 24 vacations + some social perks
( medical assistant ( We have our own hospital), 14 days of leave if I want go to university ( one again....), they pay 50% of school fees), I have a free drugs, no bonus)
@krynos 4 yr psych major, making 185k in sales management. 3 weeks vacation, company car. No opportunity to actually take those 3 weeks of vacation, though, and working 10 hour days at a minimum.
@krynos 145k base rate, tech, amazing atmosphere, benefits and bonuses.. Unfortunately I got word they might wanna flip me to salary so I may be looking for work soon lol. I like my 20k in OT a year too much to give it up.