It’s taken a while but I’ve finally hit £10k in savings!

@audioholic Honestly we are about 1/4 of the way there, after a lifetime of absolute nonsense that was none of our fault, getting in the way of putting anything aside, it’s a great feeling to know you have a little back up! Good luck with your future saving, I hope we get to 10k soon too!
@audioholic Well done and congratulations. Well deserved. This sub-Reddit usually have post from people who are really well off, or need advice after gaining a substantial inheritance. It’s nice to see financially normal people doing well too!
@audioholic Congratulations! Your story is really similar to mine… I’m coming up to 10k saved by June and ,having been on the other end of that in debt, it definitely deserves some celebrating as it is hard work and requires a lot of soul searching to cut those bad spending habits! 🥳

Have you got a plan for where you’ll save/invest once your LISA is maxed out for the year and with your emergency fund sorted?
@audioholic Congrats on successfully sorting your finances out! I know from personal experience what it's like to have large amounts of debt hanging around your neck - it really is crippling. I was £60000 in debt 20 years ago following a messy divorce and severe depression. A timely work promotion and the emotional help and practical advice from a friend helped me to clear the mess, get on top of my spending priorities and live a fulfilling debt free life.

My mental and physical health have never been in better shape

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