Is this investment portfolio suitable for long term growth


New member
I am thinking about adding the S&P 500 into the mix but looking at any advice . I feel happy with my mix of risk, put more in technology because I believe in it and decided a bit more risk was acceptable . Currently not paying into this due to moving jobs and house but once settled will start putting £200 ish a month in .

I am 28 this is in my Stocks and share Isa via Hargreaves’s Landsdown

Currently have £4207 overall ⬆️ £484 (13%) . I have been adding into this since May 2023

Fidelity global dividend / £463 ⬆️ £35 (8%)

Ishares Japan equity index / £443 ⬆️£45 (11.4%)

Janus Henderson global technology leaders / £1043 / ⬆️ £243 (30.5%)

Legal and general future world Esg emerging markets / £530 ⬆️ £33 (6.8%)

Legal and general uk top 100 index trust / £552 ⬆️ £59 (12%)

M&G global macro bond / £195 ⬇️ £5 ( 2.5%)

Schroder managed balanced / £446 ⬆️£41 (10%)

Troy Trojan class x / £524 ⬆️£25 (5.3%)
@jessetwigg This. Also OP it's irrelant how much your gains are unless you're accounting for capital gains tax. It's no indicator of anything and all it does is anchor you into being poorly diversified.
@kevinsamsonn You always have to ask yourself. Why are you trying to be more varied that a global fund? Do you know better than that passive funds behaviour?

For 99.9% of people the answer is no, so just keep it simple.
@kevinsamsonn It looks a bit of a hotch potch of funds selection, that on first review is difficult to understand the strategy.

For example...

Why c. 10% in the global dividend fund, why a income generating fund at all?

Why the ESG EM fund? Do you believe that only EMs need to follow a ESG regime?

Why < 5% in bonds, what is that tying to do?

Why the two managed funds?

It looks like you are trying to replicate something, but I haven't a clue as to what.
@sashieng I am new to investing , this was me trying to make a diversified investment portfolio. That I haven’t looked at for 6 months .

Totally understand where you are coming from . Why 10% in dividends, fuck knows but I shall be changing that .

Would the best thing just to as someone else has said just put it in a tracker global fund non dividend ?
@kevinsamsonn The best thing to do is to identify an investment strategy you feel comfortable with, and then identify the investment(s) that support the strategy.

A cheap 100% equities global could be the answer, but that depends on your strategy. A question I would have is, why did you allocate a percentage of your money into the bond fund, a 'balanced' managed fund, and the Trojan fund: all of which would try to dampen down the volatility from 100% equity exposure?

I think you could benefit from reading the UKPF Investing-101 wiki, and google Lars Kroijer "Investing Demystified" (YouTube, website, book), and or read Tim Hales book "Smarter Investing".
@sashieng Okay thank you, once I have sorted my move I shall look into all of these. I don’t mind taking a rosters strategy because I have 30 years to build my fund .

I don’t particularly have a reason for the theee funds . I just wanted to diversify my money to hit different markets .

@kevinsamsonn Jesus Christ dude just stick it all in a global tracker or S&P500 and forget about it, you talk about in comments about wanting to diversify but funds like global trackers are already massively diverse across sectors and globe. Your paying multiple fees for massive amounts of crossover. You should have one or two funds max. It's really not clear what you are trying to do with this
@kevinsamsonn If you’re investing purely for your retirement or for at least 10 years, then at your age I’d be putting it 100% into equities. Reduce your costs and stress by binning all those funds and put the vast majority into a global tracker like HSBC Ftse All World (cost 0.12%) and as you believe in tech, put the rest in a tech fund like L&G.

If you’re a bit more risk averse and want some bonds to reassure you, then maybe a single fund like HSBC Global Strategy Dynamic or Balanced, or a Vanguard LS80 or 60 would suit you
@kevinsamsonn Hey - you already got good advice about how to change this I just want to add good on you for starting investing relatively early, £200 a month if you start and keep that up will stand you in really good sted.
@secret0123 People have been really helpful! Most of my money is in a help to buy Isa ~12k , but I do want to maximise my money because who doesn’t ! I’m lucky to have a dad who is very finically literate :)
@kevinsamsonn Only Hargreaves Lansdown gain from this approach. It’s a rookie error but I went through a phase of the making a nice portfolio like this and have now simplified and sold most things into passive index funds.
I quite like the fidelity global dividend fund and still have a limited position but only as an accumulation fund not income. I also have fundsmith. But not adding to these.
Presumably you’d have to spend a hundred quid or so to sell the lot and put into an index tracker. Good luck.
@kevinsamsonn For a first time investor you've done well putting together a fairly globally diversified portfolio. I would certainly ignore advice to put it all in the S&P 500, a globally diversifiedl approach is generally the way to go. Whose to say the US market will be the place for growth over the next 10 years. There is an ongoing issue with US and UK companies delisting from the stock market over the last couple of years. The performance of the S&P 500 has been pretty flat if you take out the Tech giants.

I think you can't go wrong with a good balance between global equity funds and global equity tracker funds. Vanguard and Legal and General and Blackrock are good for tracker funds, for an active approach Fundsmith and Royal London offer some good options. Trackers are cheaper which makes them a good option, but I also like to chuck in an active fund as emerging markets and some global markets aren't as well regulated, so sometimes useful having an active approach.

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