Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

@resjudicata You're right, the struggles of a couple having an income in the teens is very comparable to the struggles of a couple making 100k. There is barely a difference.

How can you possibly think a couple making eighty thousand more dollars than another couple are having the same struggles? That both live in poverty?

Come on. Please, explain exactly how their struggles are in any way similar. Let's go through them.

This next part is an edit-

One couple in SF makes 100k. Another makes 20k.

Both couples are paying the same prices for everything.

Couple A is sending their kid to daycare. Couple B is not.

Couple A has one fairly recent car for guy, one fairly recent car for girl. Couple B maybe has a decade old car between the two of them.

Couple A spends $500-$600 on groceries per month. Couple B doesn't even get that much in foodstamps.
@raychel47243 The may not be struggling with official poverty. But depending upon the state, locality and cost of necessities like medical coverage, prescriptions, and food, there could definitely be a struggle. Especially if one or both partners are 1099 workers or, assume one else posted, child care is involved
@neco May be we need to have linked-in parties. Every leaves a detailed recommendation of a commenter based on what they say is their skill set. A group of my friends are doing just this right now.
@neco I had to stop buying rotisserie chicken in June bc it went up 2$- haven’t bought eggs in a year, haven’t bought laundry soap, dish soap, fabric softener in 3 yrs…I go to dollar store for cleaning products- glass cleaner and fake pine sol- I don’t buy napkins or paper towels, I do buy toilet paper- lol it’s one luxury item I indulge in …it’s amazing what you discover when rent and gas are prioritized, what “fat “ can be trimmed, and what u can learn to live without. SMH toilet paper is a luxury item now…

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