Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

@kimmy I divorced and now I don't qualify for EBT and on one hand I'm proud because my ex always said I'd be on government assistance without him, and it's nice to prove him wrong, but on the other hand, I miss that grocery money right about now with the price of eggs....
@neco It's honestly likely that you did not grow up upper middle class. There's a huge occurrence of people thinking or being taught that they had more wealth than they do, because we don't educate society enough on what the levels of wealth are. If you're on EBT now, it's not impossible but it's very unlikely that you were upper middle class before.

That's mostly what I see on this sub, and it gets downvoted for being misinformation, and for coming off as acting like you're better, when you lived the same circumstances.
@neco Fuck that gatekeeping shit. I got told I don't belong here because I have a car payment. Guess what? I have TWO car payments. I'm here because some of the advice still applies to me, but I've ALSO been in the shoes of paycheck to paycheck/drowning in debt so I'm gonna camp my lower middle class ass here and continue to give and receive advice.
@jessileigh "Give advice" I've been shamed for being on this reddit by people who comb your profile looking for stuff against you. I have been in some of these people's shoes. Sometimes it's just a little knowledge that can lift you out of poverty.
@neco This topic seems to come up periodically, and I know where you’re coming from… because I was upper middle class and then on unemployment and hovering near food stamps.

But now I’m making low six figures on my own and am married to a dentist, with no kids. But it was only six years ago that I was flat broke and making $11 an hour, and I never got over what someone in another comment on this thread described as “egg trauma,” noticing the jump in egg prices. I stick around this sub because it reminds me of where I’ve been, and I occasionally have opportunities to talk to people about some of the moves I’ve made that helped me when I was stuck and ones that helped me get out of it.

If you’re using benefits, you belong. But you still will even when you aren’t, if you’ve got something of value to contribute. This isn’t like the sub for people who haven’t broken bones — just ask a mod. That said, I know what you mean, like you can’t relate to all of everyone’s struggles… and that’s ok. There’s stuff to learn, and there’s stuff to share.
@neco You're what we call the new poor. You have alot you can learn here. One good lesson is the old poors don't like the uppity new poors. Just try to blend in and don't mention that you're new at this. You're in the right place.
@neco In that case, I don't know, don't comment about your past or something?

Everyone's got a battle they're fightin, so if getting down voted for talking about your upbringing in this one specific sub reddit makes you feel worse, then don't do that.

Just scroll for advice or whatever

Edit: I don't mean that sound shitty, but I understand if it does. What I mean is if someone down voted you because you grew up in middle class then that just seems dumb on their part
@adislov That doesn’t help. She wants a sub where she can freely talk about everything. The fact that there are some judgmental people here makes it less welcoming for her situation.
@neco It happens sometimes. I got downvoted to hell once on a different username for stating my car's parking brake is to the left of the regular brake instead of in the center console area. A lot of people thought that wasn't possible 😬
@dstamps Lol that’s so insane. It just depends on the kind of car! My first car (96 Taurus) had one of those emergency brakes that you had to step on to put on and off. My dad’s car (13 Edge) still has one!
@dstamps That's insane. How does a person go their entire life without ever being in a car that has a foot pedal or under-console parking brake?
@goro I don't know. They were telling me I was talking about the regular brake pedal even when I clarified I have an extra pedal to the left that goes down and stays down for when I have parked the car, and releases again if I push it down some more after I get back in the car and put it into drive. My mum's old Mercedes has this and my 2014 Camry has this. I always use it as extra insurance for when the car isn't running.
@dstamps That's insane. How does a person go their entire life without ever being in a car that has a foot pedal or under-console parking brake?
@dstamps That's insane. How does a person go their entire life without ever being in a car that has a foot pedal or under-console parking brake?

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