Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

@ingridls And the undocumented want to be paid more at the plants. Combine that with less undocumented coming in and the ones here are starting to have a little negotiating power.
@alejandro11 I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. Do people really think these plants/farms don’t hire undocumented people? And that hindering immigration (legal or illegal) doesn’t affect wages for jobs us Americans won’t do?
@srv People don't know what to think of my post. It's a nuanced informed take. It's not on either side. It's not a bumper sticker. So they downvote
@mozes I have a dozen hens and the 50 lb bag of feed has gone up 50% in the last couple years.

Was selling a dozen eggs for $3 before the pandemic, and that included a brand new egg carton.
@resjudicata I made a comment talking about growing up upper-middle class and got downvoted to hell :( It really made me question if I’m in the right place.
@neco Doesn’t really matter what class you grew up in. What matters is where you’re at now. Otherwise you’re gonna get advice that sounds outrageous and doesn’t pertain to you
@neco Idk what you said, but regardless it's not what you had, it's what you have. A millionaire who lost everything and lives in his car going to food banks belongs here, not r/yatchclub.
@neco I think there is often a mindshift and of course some knowledge that comes from these experiences. Poverty has been proven to literally impact the brains thinking due to living in constant stress survival mode. Additionally knowing more about how money works like debit, credit, savings, investment is more likely. Those growing up in poverty even if exposed may feel that it is irrelevant information to their lives at this stage. All that to say, I agree that these perspectives are often taken harshly here as many feel hopeless and stressed and it just seems out of touch and irrelevant as a billionaire commenting on the price of milk. However, more importantly, I think it is a needed perspective.
@neco I grew up upper middle class as well and I’m here. I’m not even on EBT, nor am I living paycheck to paycheck. I’m here because I used to be on EBT and living paycheck to paycheck and also, the only reason I’m not living paycheck to paycheck right now is because I have a killer deal on rent with my landlord. She’s an elderly family friend. We help her with things around the house and we get to rent her apartment for half of market value.

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