Is there a digital version of a “Rolodex” where I can organize my referrals by date to contact them?


New member
When I help a client out, I receive referrals to help their loved ones or friends.

I am having quite the time trying to keep track of when to get back to people who have been referred to me. I’d love to organize my referrals digitally because my folders (labeled For each month of the year) takes up a lot of space.

I’m open to suggestions, I truly thought there would be a digital product available somewhere online but I’ve only seen business card apps and they want me to pay but the ones I tried do not allow me to organize them like I’d like to.

If this does not exist then an “old school” Rolodex type app where you can place contacts in different months, with noted reasons...would be a great idea.

P.s. I accidentally deleted the last post and I so loved the response -I’m sorry my creative compadre.
@jws6262 We all lean over and inspect David’s card and Price quietly says, “That’s really nice.”

A brief spasm of jealousy courses through me when I notice the elegance of the color and the classy type. I clench my fist as Van Patten says, smugly, “Eggshell with Romalian type...” He turns to me. “What do you think?”

“Nice,” I croak, but manage to nod, as the busboy brings four fresh Bellinis.

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@carra Someone who looks like Forrest Atwater—slicked-back blond hair, nonprescription redwood-framed glasses, Armani suit with suspenders—is sitting with Caroline Baker, an investment banker at Drexel, maybe, and she doesn’t look too good. She needs more makeup, the Ralph Lauren tweed outfit is too severe.

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@jws6262 Any good CRM should be able to handle this. Some agents I know use RadiusBob or VamDB. I use a company called AgencyBloc. A little more per month, but does well for me.
@jws6262 At work, we use Salesforce, which is a software that the company invested in.

But I find Microsoft Excel so much easier to use. Google Sheets also works well.

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