Is the housing market in another giant bubble?

@robert2032 I'm open to reading about an alternative multi-century analysis of wealth distribution in Western society. Most modern analysis begins at the end of WW2, and ignores previous centuries.

The data series that I found most interesting reading Piketty was his analysis that the degree wealth inequality did not substantially change between before and after the French Revolution in France, and that the only time in the last 400 years in Western society that wealth inequality has decreased was the period between the start of WW1 and the end of WW2, and it was mainly due to the physical destruction of capital, in addition to the hyper inflation followed by the great depression.

The wikipedia entry on the book has many appraisals that does not support the suggestion that there was "almost unanimous rejection".

Here is a quote from your FT piece:

"there is little evidence in Prof Piketty's original sources to bear out the thesis that an increasing share of total wealth is held by the richest few"

Regardless of your position on whether it is 'good' or not, I think it is difficult to deny that the total share of wealth is increasing in the richest few.
@mikeisraelite72 It's not about good or bad, it's about not citing data that's full of shit lol.

And come on, they wrote articles about how unanimously he was rejected.

Like feel free to believe whatever you'd like but you should know if you're going to unironically cite Piketty then people will probably give you funny looks.
@siskie Real estate in the US is a good bet. It’s even more attractive now. House prices are fundamentally driven, despite some stretching on valuation in the last few years. You can get much more healthy figures if you strip out SF, Seattle etc.

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