Is State Farm scamming me or are State Farm and myself both being scammed? HELP????šŸš’šŸš‘šŸš™šŸ†˜


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So, I was in an accident on 5/7/23 around 11pm. I called my insurance company and proceeded with all necessary legalities over the phone with an agent, filed a claim, spoke to police from two separate counties bc the accident happened right on a county line, had the insurance company call a tow truck company to come and pick up my car bc it was undriveable. I chose to have it towed to my home which was 0.4 miles away and the tow truck driver was incredibly understanding and obliging to do so at no charge bc I initially requested the car be towed to a body shop but for other reasons changed my mind. Fast forward 3 days later and my agent with State Farm called to let me know a tow was en route to take my car to the new body shop I chose and who was covered by my insurance to have the necessary repairs made. The tower arrived at 1:0pm on the 11th and was driving away with my car in tow by 1:12pm. Before leaving, the driver reiterated which body shop my car was to be taken to and the address of said shop. All was well, so I thought. Fast forward again to yesterday July 15th, 4 days after my car was supposedly delivered to the shop and I call my agent bc I received several notifications over the days following my car being towed away from my home informing me that ā€œa driver is en route to pick up my carā€, pick up my car from where and why? I had also received a notification notifying me that my car had yet to be seen by an appraiser to get an estimate of the damage the same day, the 15th, which seemed odd bc that is usually the first order of business once the damaged vehicle has arrived at the chosen body shop. Being so confused and having a gut feeling that something was off, I called my agent only to be notified that they had no idea where my car was. The tow truck driver sent by State Farm had vanished with my vehicle and it had been MIA for 4 days at this point. The body shop I chose is 15 min from my house where my car was picked up from. So my question is why doesnā€™t State Farm know where my car is, why donā€™t I know where my car is, is this even legal and should I file a police report for a stolen vehicle bc at this point, that is what seems to be the case. Why would a prestigious company such as State Farm send an illegitimate towing service to deliver my car to the body shop?! It all seems super sketchy to me. Lastly, during my most recent communications with my insurance agent, I was told my claim had been ā€œescalatedā€ 3 separate times already and nobody seems to know what is going on. Help please. šŸ™šŸ» should I file a police report? How do I proceed in dealing with State Farm and are they scamming me or are we both being scammed by this sketchy tow company who has taken my car God only knows where and why? šŸ†˜šŸ†˜šŸ†˜
@justkevin85 State Farm doesnā€™t have an interest in scamming you and increasing the liability for loss. This sounds like incompetence on someoneā€™s part. I hope you find your vehicle soon.
@justkevin85 State Farm isn't scamming you.

Yes. Definately call the police and report the car stolen. They'll ask if you know who took it. Tell them who took it, under what circumstances, where it was supposed to go, the timeframe, that the company never delivered it and that they have not been in communication with you or State Farm since they took it.

Call State Farm and file another claim for the theft. Between the police, State Farm, and the tow provider, you're car will be found. Hopefully in the same condition in which it was picked up.

Best of luck!
@justkevin85 State Farm is the biggest scammer I ever dealt with they lowball everybody estimates you canā€™t talk to your claim worker because itā€™s a scam they say I have $5000 worth of work that needs to be done on my card was sideswiped. They said it was worth $500. How big of a scam is that how big of a scam People complaining about it so itā€™s what it is you can sit there and say no itā€™s not thatā€™s because thatā€™s your job and you donā€™t care for the people. People are telling you that thereā€™s a problem and youā€™re getting on here making excuses for us being scammed over and over and over again at some point enough is enough .
Lastly, during my most recent communications with my insurance agent...

Do you mean insurance claims adjuster or agent, the person who services the policy?

If you need claims answers, be sure youre talking to the claims adjuster.
@andiluvs To be honest, Iā€™m not sure. Whoever answers my call and asks for my claim number is who Iā€™ve been speaking with. Iā€™m assuming they are just agents. But could explain to me the difference in the two?
@justkevin85 Sounds like youre talking to the adjuster, which is disappointing. State Farm usually has their shit together.

Agents sell and service the policy and hold a license (or work under someone's) to do that.

Adjusters have a license to work on the claim side. Liability Adjusters verify there was good coverage, determine who is at-fault and to what degree, and depending on the severity of the loss, may also evaluate and settle a bodily injury claim. Auto Damage adjusters evaluate the property damage to the vehicles.
@andiluvs Thank you, youā€™ve been extremely helpful. I genuinely appreciate you and everyone else commenting on my situation. Itā€™s refreshing to know that not EVERYONE has ill intentions for their own gain.
@andiluvs As someone who works in the auto claims segment, I can tell you that we've gone through several hiring waves because all our tenured staff have either been promoted or ended up leaving the company; that's why claims handling has been in something of an abysmal state right now.
@justkevin85 State Farm did not steal your car, I can assure you of that. Iā€™m uncertain of what transpired, but if youā€™re unaware of which body shop your car is at, and they also canā€™t identify it, it would be prudent for you to file a police report.

Please refrain from accusing State Farm as they certainly did not steal your car. The police will liaise with them, in addition to speaking with the tow truck drivers.

The person you should be communicating with is whoever towed your car, to ensure they trace where your vehicle was taken.

Itā€™s likely that your car is simply at the wrong body shop. Iā€™m sure it was just a mistake by the driver.

State Farm has a vested interest in recovering your car; they certainly wouldnā€™t want to have to compensate for a stolen vehicle they will take this seriously.
@justkevin85 State Farm did not steal your vehicle. The towing middle man is a vendor that takes the request from the insurer, AAA or whoever, and finds a local towing company to handle the tow. Get your local agent involved - their phone # is on your ID card - they should be able to make some calls and help figure out where your car is. I highly highly doubt youā€™re being scammed - someone just messed up, unfortunately. Good luck!
@justkevin85 State Farm doesn't know where your car is b/c they aren't the ones who took your car. They paid a tow company to come and get the car. They have no direct oversight over that tow company and all of their employees. Who is the tow company that came to get your car? Who was the driver? When you called that tow company and asked them were your car is, what did they say?
@aamcle I called the driver that came to pick up my car and was told ā€œdonā€™t worry about your car, itā€™s fine. State Farm wonā€™t be able to find it anyways.ā€
@justkevin85 My stepdaughter was in an accident on July 15th. We had it towed to a towing company. Filed a claim on thr 17th. On the 19th state farm dispatch a towing company to take it to an auto body shop I've used for hail damage and minor accidents before. The car never showed. The towing company claimed the car was refused. The auto body shop said it never showed and they have plenty of room to accept it. Tracked down the towing company state farm dispatch and found they have changed names 3 time in one year. Call them and a rude lady who finally answered. We asked where our car was. The address she gave us was in a high crime area of the city and a vacant field. We called neighboring business and there is no wrecked car in the area. Today is the 28th. I am driving to the address tomorrow to see for myself. Monday if this isn't resolved we are filing a police report for auto theft. Tuesday I will be at my agents office in-person for answers. No one can tell me where my car is for 10 days. THIS IS THIEFT!

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