Is PlanRight a scam?


New member
If anyone can help me, I’m worried about being scammed.

I’ve been hunting for jobs recently and had a Facebook post come up about an opportunity to become an Insurance Broker with PlanRight financial. On the surface, it looks great. They claim around $100k yearly and that there’s no hidden fees for equipment and that leads are $0.50 - $28. The website is a bit messy but isn’t completely unconvincing.

However, other than their website, there seems to be hardly a trace of them online. No reviews, 1 or 2 reported salaries but I’m pretty sure those are from the companies profile. AND the supposed recruiter on Facebook has no information on FB and no seeming ties to the company from what I can tell.

I’m supposed to have a call with that same recruiter tomorrow morning so I guess I may get more info from that.

Has anyone heard of them before or have insight on what a Life Insurance Brokerage scam could look like? Their website is :

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