Is Pacific Cross Select Plus worth it?


New member
Hey guys, I'm 25F and I work for a company that gives me an allowance for HMO/Medical Insurance. My co-worker suggested that I get Pacific Cross since he has one. I checked what you guys had to say from months and years ago but I wanted to ask now just in case their service got better.

I am also planning on adding my mom as a dependent but I will have to use my own money since that's outside the company budget.

I'm new to this so please assume you're talking to a 5 year old hehehe

For additional context, I am diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and I declared it. Also, I declared that my mom has blood pressure problems.

I also don't know how the terms of payment works. I am slightly more familiar with the way Life Insurance works so I don't know what happens to my medical insurance after a year, like do I get something back or do I keep paying? again, a 5 year old asking please be patient awuhuhu thank u

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