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Hi all! I’m hoping someone can help me, since I’m ignorant on this topic. Last week I was on holiday with my hubby and my in-laws. Once we arrived at our destination, my MIL excused herself and said that she just has to do something on her laptop. She excitedly explained that she has started trading in forex, and that someone is helping and advising her. She proudly said that she made R900 in 2 days so far thanks to his advice. She said that he WhatsApp’s her when she should make a trade (or something like that?). I was immediately suspicious and asked her what the person advising her gets out of it, and she said that she doesn’t know, because she’s not paying him to do it. This sounded super dodgy but the conversation moved on and I decided to talk to my husband about it later. I did, and he seemed to thing his parents, who are highly educated people, wouldn’t fall for a scam. I decided to mind my own business. My MIL continued to receive WhatsApp’s and make trades throughout the week. I don’t know how she met this person, whether he contacted her or she found him, or any more details, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I did some Googling and it sounds like a signal scam but I don’t understand what the scammer would be getting out of it. Is there anyone who can confirm if there is any possibility that this would be a legit thing? It just seems wildly scammy to me and I don’t want my MIL to lose money but I also don’t want to make a fuss over something I know nothing about.
@lectureyou Sounds like a scam, yeah. It's quite likely that she's trading on a fake forex platform and the scammer already made the money she put in. Now he's just playing the long con to get her to put more money in.

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