Is it starting to not make sense with EV charging costs increasing?

@fruwdjsb91 Lol nice cherry pick

You're comparing an entry level ICE car with a much higher end EV that's not even the same size car. Compare it to a $45k BYD or MG instead.

You're comparing costs using expensive high speed public charging infrastructure instead of home charging which is where most EV users charge.

My 77kwh EV costs me $8 to charge from empty to full, not $38. It reduces my power bill credit by 10.5c/kWh from solar that would have otherwise been fed back into the grid. In the event that I do need to draw power from the grid, I do so outside the hours of 3-9pm where the rate is 18c/kWh.
@_%D7%A1%D7%AA EV also has problems that comes with scale particularly from an electrical supply perspective and the network infrastructure to support it.

It will transition over time, but it is a painful process.
@fruwdjsb91 Start demanding that if employers want you in the office, that workplaces install solar panels and EV chargers in the car park.

Not a joke, this should be a fringe benefit of employment.

In addition, start telling supermarkets/Westfield etc that you want more EV charging stations in thier car parks - that can become a way to attract customers to spend more time in thier establishments
@fruwdjsb91 Youre disregarding the total cost of ownership which includes maintenance/running costs of the vihicle which with an EV is pretty much nothing.
Also one factor that should definitely be considered is how much the safety of not having a controlled explosive powered engine between a thin peice of metal and your legs when you're hurdling down the highway.

EVs all day everyday.

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