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Got an offer from company X. However I doesnt like how X handled me. I attended 2 interview, final face to face and they agreed on an amount A for me.

When HR asked for my current salary to proceed with offer letter, they got back to me a few days ltr stating my salary is too low to ask for such high increment and cut down the offer instead.

Im currently waiting another offer but must get back to company X soon. So i figured is it ok if i sign first and keep interviewing, once got the offer amount i want ill reject company X?
@babysonsfalling This is asshole HR trying to squeeze candidate for lowest possible salary. The company can afford it but HR has KPI to reduce wage costs.

If you have the Hiring Managers contact or email, you can inform them you are reconsidering due to HR not following the agreed upon amount A. Not the same as agreed amount = no trust = no deal = goodbye.

Just a waste of everyones time. Many hiring managers have lost great candidates because of HR squeezing.
@ant101 ^ agree with this. Instead of signing offer, continue to negotiate. This will "drag" the time enough for you to wait for another offer. If it really does not work out.

OP, just email HR politely, and say this is the offer is not what was agreed upon.

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