Is it legal to pay someone under the table?


New member
In BC, if I wanted to hire someone to do some yard work for me just a couple hours a day for a few days a week paying minimum wage is there any paperwork I have to do to pay him. I'm getting nervous cause I'm running low on cash and am going to have to withdraw a couple thousand next time I'm near my bank (rural community) to keep the paychecks coming. Would my bank question me in the withdrawal and if so am I allowed to say Im paying someone or should I just say I'm buying a TV off Facebook marketplace?
@thomass You are fine to pay someone in cash as long as they would be considered a contractor. If the relationship evolves into an employment one, you would have additional obligations, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case here. Your bank isn’t going to question why you want to withdraw your own money. Feel free to tell them you’re heading down to the strip club.

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