Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

@mmdmom I've got friends there and all over various small towns in BC and alberta. At the end of the day all my friends live similar lives with kids. We're all at soccer on the weekends, gymnastics after school etc etc. Any town is pretty much the same as any other if you can afford to have a nice life. Nice neighbours you can have a beer with at the end of the driveway is about as good as it gets when you've got little kids!
@dougthebicycle If you can work remotely within the country, I think another important question is from what country are you immigrating? There are definitely cultural considerations to think about, both from the aspect of being near people with a similar culture if that’s important (ex/ if you’re from the Philippenes, Winnipeg is where you want to be), and from the unfortunate aspect of avoiding racism (ex/ Quebec’s religious symbol law disproportionately impacting Muslims and Sikhs)
@dougthebicycle Congrats! If you're willing to live well outside of Vancouver, you can rent some large properties for $3-4k. Look at areas like Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Chilliwack. I'm not sure if that's what you want for your family, but its there.

Otherwise a family of 5 in Vancouver proper or any of its expensive neighbors (Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam) is going to be difficult on $100k. Since you don't need childcare, that'll help a ton. I don't think it's impossible, but saving for the future would probably be difficult until your wife got a job as well.

Good luck!
@dougthebicycle If you can live anywhere, yes. Pick somewhere way outside Vancouver though.

My wife and I gross 135k with no kids and we do fine but we absolutely can’t afford any housing we would actually want to buy. I would love it if we were both remote. We’d move tomorrow.
@dougthebicycle There are a lot of small/medium sized towns in the interior of BC where you can live well on 100k, easy travel out for vacation or work travel, excellent family life for kids and quality of life. I moved from México city to Prince George and loved it. Also I can recommend Quesnel, Vernon, Kamloops, Cranbrook etcetera. Lots of options to conside.
@dougthebicycle Ahora estamos en Victoria. precios de bienes raíces y rentas están altos pero menos que Vancouver y también hay opciones más accesibles en comunidades como Nanaimo o Courtney. Clima es más amigable que el ‘interior‘ de BC.
@dougthebicycle That salary is not going to get you far in Greater Vancouver or even Victoria. Vancouver is very unaffordable. Gross income of $100k is going to be taxed at a pretty substantial rate. If you can, I would recommend somewhere in Alberta to live.

Everything here in Vancouver is more expensive than anywhere else in Canada.
@dougthebicycle Halifax is a great city. Vancouver is a great city as well. The only problem is that you and your family will not have much of a life.

Are you going to have flexible work hours with your employer? Halifax is 4 hours ahead of Vancouver. If there is a 8 AM start time in Vancouver then that’s noon in Halifax and your quitting time will be 8 PM in the evening. Just something to consider.

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