Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

@reallylongnickname As many have said here, don't sweat it. Focus on your new relationship (congrats btw!) and just save wherever and whenever you can. You should still watch your spending habits but don't become extremely frugal - nothing kills attraction faster than someone that counts pennies, unless your SO is also like that. Some splurging on your SO is always a good way to tell him/her that she matters ;)
@reallylongnickname When I was 25 I think I saved too much for age, always have a goal in mind to shock the world/people around by ultimately saved up to 8 figures.

But then COVID hit, I regret saving too much because I missed out all the fun in 20s

Lesson of story is money couldn't be created by saving, you create wealth by starting businesses or changing people lives
@reallylongnickname Its ok try to cut on unnecessary expenses and focus on upskilling/finding better jobs.
30% of small salary vs 30% of large salary is v different

At ur age can try demand already jobs with 4-5k basic realistically. I dated around 24-27 too, its ur prime age (esp if ure a woman)
@reallylongnickname Just use this 30% rule and try not to live above your means. Do you and your partner split the bill when going out for dates? If no, then maybe ask her to. Since you have no commitments, maybe cutback on unnecessary purchases. Savings is a must to me especially for emergency. Gotta think about a house/car down payment savings as well
@reallylongnickname Don't stress too much just because ur saving drop by 5%. Remember having positive cash flow is the bigger picture over stressing out less saving.. And also dating and having good mental state is also currency.. Having peace state of mind is also currency.. Being happy also is currency.. Don't sweat over small stuff.. Appreciate it.
@reallylongnickname Maybe need be creative with your spending with ur partner.

I con-vince my gf we go home cook by saying learn to cook nas bonding reality it's just alot cheaper.

There are alot free activity to do as well.
@reallylongnickname Your question is a bit vague and personal. Hence, my answer will be too.

30% is only a safe rough figure , aim at beginners in personal financial. When you plan out your goals / retirement then you will know how much to save/invest a month.

Once you know your personal goals, you will know what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve it.

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