Is 2000+ a week a good wage here in Toronto?

@simon74 To add context, assuming it's all entirely regular salary without any deductions etc, it's about 138,445 per year. Which is over double the average salary nationwide.
@simon74 I was actually curious to read what everybody thought on this. The key word was Toronto. 100k per year is lots on the east coast, average in Edmonton, but how does it stack up for Toronto?
@akdk1210 Depends on ur expenditures & goals.

104Gs/yr goes a far way for most.

But, not my quote but when given to me, was rather revealing:

”A turtle grows as big as its tank”. (Oil rig worker who spent like he made)
@akdk1210 After tax or before tax? How many hours per week? Are you on-call? Will you need to drive? Will you need to have your own tools/equipment or car? Is it for one person or a household? How many people?

Generally yes…with many caveats.
@akdk1210 All of these people trying to shame this person for asking a question clearly have no clue how expensive life is in Toronto. At 8k per month you will take home just under 6k. The average 1 bedroom in Toronto costs about $2500and $70 for hydro, food for a single person will run you at least 500 and that's if you're not going out and are only cooking at home. An average car will cost 500 a month plus about 200 in insurance and 150+ for gas. Cell service is about a $100 and about $80 for internet. And this is just the basics there are always things you don't plan for as well as any outings, gym membership, clothing and so on. If you are responsible, it is definitely a budget that can work in Toronto, but by no means will you be living lavishly.
@wigginjs My guy, all of that adds up to like 4000 max and 90% of someone’s needs and wants. That’s still 2k/month you can invest for retirement, which is more than enough for anyone to retire at 65.

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